Richard Kooyman

Note: be sure to click the individual paintings for more details

2024 Schedule updated7-9-20-2024

If you are in the Grand Traverse area be sure to check out the new V Gallery Hillary and Matt Voight have opened a new contemporary art gallery in the historical space that was the Tamarack Gallery in Omema, Michigan. Both myself and Melanie Parke are excited to be represented by V Gallery.

October of 2024 Melanie Parke and Richard Kooyman New Work Anne Louckes Gallery, Glen Coe, Illinois Dates to follow soon.

Why do I make paintings?
Fleeting visual phenomena along the Lake Michigan shoreline and deep within its forests fuels ideas for my paintings.
How the sun sparkles at the edge of a wood, or the sun or moon reflects light on the water, are occurrences I find compelling. They point to something in nature that is bigger than me.

I like simple and direct brushstrokes in my work. I’m striving for temperate colors and brushwork that connect emotionally to a place and time. My process is both visceral and somewhat intuitive. I like to think of my paintings as things that can hold energy and from which you can go and receive that energy back.

I make paintings because I believe it is still one of the most important personal, social, and political acts a person can do.